
Download the new version Old Snook
Download the new version Old Snook

If you decide to do nothing then the sites you design for Internet Explorer will continue to pretend it's IE7. Upgrading their browser shouldn't break the web. Remember, this isn't about us, the developers, but about the end users who have to visit and use these sites day-to-day. Until we have a chance to do so, our sites shouldn't break. The fact is, as each new browser comes out and fixes bugs from older versions, our sites need to be revisited. The new X-UA-Compatible declaration just takes it to another level. We already have a basic opt-in approach to version targeting: the DOCTYPE switch. If you think version targeting like this is something new, it's not. The biggest reason is support for legacy web sites. Here's what the meta tag would look like: Īlthough Internet Explorer is first out of the gate to support this, it was designed to be agnostic, allowing other browser developers to use this same approach of version targeting.

download the new version Old Snook

Like a charset declaration, the X-UA-Compatible declaration can be declared using a meta tag or via HTTP headers, meaning that flipping the switch for all pages on a server to support new browsers will be a 5 minute process. I even said it'd be using http-equiv.Īaron Gustafson has an article on A List Apart entitled Beyond DOCTYPE that talks about a Internet Explorer's new approach to targeting rendering engines.

download the new version Old Snook

Back in December, I gave my predictions and on the list was version targeting using the meta element.

Download the new version Old Snook